
detail of many people's extended hands stacked on top of one another


Thank you for visiting the portal for the UCSF Program for Interprofessional Practice and Education (PIPE). Here you will find information regarding our approach to IPE and how to get involved in opportunities geared toward UCSF learners, faculty and staff. Learn more about IPE at UCSF.



The COVID pandemic has created constraints in educational and clinical environments for all health professional programs at UCSF and has resulted in a need to establish new educational and clinical workflows. Despite these challenges, we recognize that there are potential opportunities for interprofessional learning as there may be solutions to our shared challenges that engage learners from more than 1 health profession.

The PIPE Interprofessional Mini-Grant program is meant to provide support for pilot interprofessional opportunities to encourage creative solutions that enable interprofessional learning. Recipients will receive a $500.00 stipend. An example of the type of program that would be funded would be an interprofessional elective for pharmacy and medical students to work collaboratively in outreach to high risk patients with complex medical illness who may be deferring needed acute or chronic care due to concerns about the risk of COVID 19 infection. Learn more


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The 2020 Excellence in Interprofessional Teaching Awards are intended to highlight outstanding frontline teachers of learners at all UCSF teaching sites who might otherwise go unrecognized. Interprofessional teachers work with learners from two or more professions (e.g. nursing and medicine or dentistry and pharmacy) with the goal of providing learners with the knowledge and skills to effectively collaborate in healthcare settings. For more information on Eligibility, Submission Process, and the Selection and Nomination Process visit us here


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The PIPE Interprofessional Clinical Opportunities Grant was created to support individual clinical sites in piloting new interprofessional immersive experiences for students in the health professional programs at UCSF (Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy). See the 2020 awardees.


Introducing the PIPE Interprofessional Teaching Observation Program (iTOP)

All faculty are invited to sign up for the newly launched PIPE Interprofessional Teaching Observation Program (iTOP). iTOP pairs participants with experienced observers specifically trained in interprofessional teaching. Learn More...





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